Freitag, 5. Juli 2013

Yorktown, VA

Today Linda picked me up at 6am and drove me close to Yorktown, VA.
I was surprised how green this state is. Totally different to California, more like where I live back in Germany. Trees and farmland. Of course the architecture is different. Red-brick buildings all over the place, looks neat and you definitely feel the history involved in that area (early jamestown settlement from 1607). Most of the people down here consider themselves as southeners and indeed people are different. I'm gonna find out in what way during the next weeks.

Linda had to go back to work at some point and dropped me of some 25 miles west of Yorktown. With hardly any sleep and breakfast I had a hard time getting to Yorktown, but finally I made it.

Bad news: when I lifted the fully packed bike out of the van I hurt myself badly at the right leg. I pray to god (that's what people do down here - no offense) that the wound is gonna heal without complications. The humidity isn't supportive though...

Tomorrow, some 3 months after I decided to go for it, the great (ad)venture begins. Being back on my bike with the configuration carrying me 7 weeks last summer felt wonderful.
The road has got some more secrets for me to find out, let's get started!

"Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” Jack Kerouac, On the Road

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